


Idea/Draft: OpenHarbors ("Gotham Docks" / "WPA over L2TP")


This document specifies a way to dynamically tunnel WPA over a potentially untrusted IP network to a gateway of the user's choice.

Scenario A): Decentral Wireless Community Mesh Networks

In a wireless community mesh network like Freifunk involving batman-adv + Gluon:

  1. Anyone can setup a node to join + contribute to the mesh
  2. No prior authorization, anonymous participation possible
  3. Uses a firmware with public OpenSource code

Issues in Decentral Wireless Community Mesh Networks

Currently has the following two issues:

  1. A user's internet traffic is typically unencrypted in the WLAN mesh cloud (except for https etc.)
  2. A set of central gateways behind a VPN tunnel is used for internet traffic (which contradicts Freifunk's philosophy of decentralization, but became defacto mandatory due to for private people unclear Secondary Liability law in Germany: ''Störerhaftung'')

Gluon also supports adding the following three types of WLAN encryption:

  1. SAE to encrypt traffic between mesh nodes: gluon-mesh-wireless-sae
  2. OWE to encrypt traffic from a user device to the direct mesh node / AP: OWE on client network
  3. A ''Private WiFi'' with WPA-Personal/preshared key encryption, simply bridged to a mesh node's WAN port

While 1)+2) protects against passive snooping, it however does not protect against an active attacker in an open, public network like Freifunk. Due to the open nature of Freifunk, the SAE password would need to be published / added to the firmware (source code) to allow anyone to setup their own mesh node. So overall Freifunk even with 1)+2) would still be susceptible to Man-in-the-Middle attacks.

The issue with option 3) is that while it is secure, as the mesh node owner can configure their own, private password for it in the Gluon Config-Mode Web-GUI of their Gluon mesh router, it can't be used on foreign, other mesh nodes over the mesh network. There is no secure tunneling or provisioning/collaboration between mesh nodes for the "Private WiFi" feature in Gluon.

Issues with Passpoint/Hotspot 2.0/OpenRoaming solutions

Industry leaders currently seem to propose and advocate for solutions based on Passpoint/Hotspot 2.0 (which in turn utilizes/builds upon WPA-Enterprise). Potentially with WBA OpenRoaming (Informational RFC: here or similar trust/contract relations as a federation. Hotspot 2.0 was/is also a requirement for the EU WiFi4EU initiative/funding.

Unfortunately, WPA-Enterprise / Hotspot 2.0/Passpoint like as follows has conceptual, compatibility issues with open wireless community mesh networks, like in the following scenario:

With WPA-Enterprise:

  • WPA payload frames are encrypted between the client device (ak. supplicant) and the AP (ak. authenticator) it connects to through the Pairwise-Master-Key
  • The PMK is securely established via EAP between client device and a RADIUS server (ak. authentication server)
  • The communication between the AP and the RADIUS server might be encrypted via TLS (RadSec)
  • However, the PMK after it was generated is then forwarded from the RADIUS server to and installed on the AP.
    -> the RADIUS server needs to trust the AP here

Which means the WPA-Enterprise approach (and therefore also its users like Wifi4EU / Passpoint/Hotspot 2.0, or also eduroam) only works if the APs are run by trusted administrators. Or a trusted, closed source firmware/vendor.

The second issue with WBA OpenRoaming is that it currently requires a membership, which includes a membership fee of $3000 one-time plus $3000 yearly. Which is not affordable for a non-commercial community initiative like Freifunk.


  1. Determine the tunnel destination from a domain suffix in the unencrypted login name (ak. "identity") the user provided
  2. Tunnel the full WPA exchange (EAPoL + encrypted payload) over IP

Or in other words, move the 802.1x authenticator from the AP to a remote host of a user's choosing:

Scenario B) Hospital/University/Company/...

  • An exposed AP, visible/reachable by visitors
  • A server with sensitive data inside a locked server room
  • Authorized employees/students/... accessing the server via WPA Enterprise from their laptop


  1. Via easy social engineering (e.g. putting on the right cloths, suitcase, a ladder):
    • can get physical access to the AP
  2. Can then copy the AP's flash and extract RADIUS credentials
  3. Can then replace with a rogue Man-in-the-Middle AP or install a backdoor
    • If no extra encryption/authentication/tunnel is used between AP<->server then can also simply add a snooping device between AP and wire to server
  4. Now has access to sensitive data in the locked server room


  1. Like in scenario A), move the authenticator from the AP into the server room
  2. Client device will have encrypted communication into the server room, AP + wire becomes part of the untrusted medium
  3. No potential to Man-in-the-Middle from outside the server room
  4. Attacker now needs a physical key to the server room to get the sensitive data (or access to the client device)

(Additional) Use-cases & Benefits

This proposed, dynamic solution yields the following, additional interesting opportunities:

  1. Securely connecting to the wireless mesh community's gateways. So far in a Freifunk mesh network internet traffic is typically only encrypted on the VPN tunnel between a mesh node with an internet uplink and the gateway, if at all.
  2. Allows anyone to set up and use alternative gateways:
    1. Securely connecting to your home network via this tunnel, even on untrusted/insecure community mesh networks. In a mesh network that is Freifunk / Gluon based this could even result in faster throughputs for the user, as internet traffic would not need to go over the Freifunk gateway. This could be useful for a residential community, too.
    2. Allows a club / organisation / residential community / group to securely share its internet connection and/or devices/services, like printers, network storage, media centers or LAN multiplayer games, over an untrusted mesh network.
    3. Securely connecting to your departments/organisations network via this tunnel, even on untrusted/insecure community mesh networks. For instance blue light organisations like fire, police or ambulance services?
    4. Securely connecting to a commercial VPN provider and use it as an alternative gateway than the ones a wireless community network provides by default. Without the need of installing and setting up an extra VPN software, as smartphones typically already support WPA Enterprise. And for the VPN providers, would need no extra contract or setup on the APs or other third party devices to be authorized, as the protocol for setting up the tunnel is intrinsic, without needing a broker / rendez-vous point. In contrast to a classic VPN or WPA Enterprise, where both sides would likely need to exchange credentials and addresses beforehand.
    5. Securely connecting to your commercial ISP's gateways. Also usable for mobile-to-WiFi offloading? Similar to one of WiFi Passpoints goals, but now also usable over on untrusted WiFi APs.
    6. Allows using eduroam on untrusted Freifunk nodes.
    7. Increase gateway diversity in wireless community networks like Freifunk, without legal obstacles. Currently in most Freifunk networks the few, select gateways are run by a few admins in their spare time, which contradicts Freifunk's principle of decentralization. Choosing and using alternative internet gateways in a such a Freifunk network is currently infeasible for a non-technical user here.

Overall, in general: Allows to use an untrusted wireless community mesh network as an easy-to-use, flexible, open, mobile carrier with end-to-gateway encryption.

Implementation Milestones/Tasks

Steps for a first, minimum implementation with real-world usability:

# Preparation:

[] (Familiarizing with hostapd code, find code points to hook into)
[] Specifiy tunneling protocol:
  [] packet format
  [] UDP port
  [] ...

# Implementation, hostapd:

## AP side

Hook into/within hostapd:

### Early initalization:

[] enable/react on OpenHarbors ESSID if configuration option is enabled
[] setup mac80211/cfg80211 to receive encrypted WPA CCMP frames in hostapd

### On-demand initalization + EAP handling:

[] parse domain from unencrypted EAP-TTLS username from EAPoL frames
[] create a UDP/L2TP tunnel/session to parsed domain
   (likely utilize the l2tp kernel module)
[] associate/memorize MAC + UDP socket (address+port)
[] encapsulate EAPoL 
[] EAPoL frames from client to the socket/tunnel:
  [] encapsulate with our IP/UDP/L2TP header
  [] forward to IP router/stack
[] EAPoL frames from the socket/tunnel to the client:
  [] decapsulate/remove our IP/UDP/L2TP header
  [] forward to mac80211

### Data forwarding:

[] WPA CCMP frames from client to the socket/tunnel:
  [] encapsulate with our IP/UDP/L2TP header to <domain>
  [] forward to IP router/stack
[] WPA CCMP frames from socket/tunnel to client:
  [] decapsulate/remove our IP/UDP/L2TP header
  [] forward to mac80211

## Remote Side / Remote Authenticator

### Early initialization:

[] add configuration/enable option to hostapd
[] initialize socket to listen for L2TP packets on
   a specific <UDP-port>
[] load mac80211/cfg80211 kernel modules

### On-demand initialization + EAP handling:

[] receive L2TP packets
[] initialize L2TP tunnel/session
   (likely utilize the l2tp kernel module)
[] EAPoL frames from hostapd to the socket/tunnel:
  [] encapsulate with our IP/UDP/L2TP header
  [] forward to IP router/stack
[] EAPoL frames from the socket/tunnel to hostapd:
  [] decapsulate/remove our IP/UDP/L2TP header
  [] forward/handle in hostapd's existing EAPoL code
[] establish PMK from EAPoL exchange
[] setup mac80211/cfg80211 with PMK to use
   the Linux kernel's software encryption/decryption
   of WPA (likely via the mac80211_hwsim kernel module)
   [] (likely) needs changes/additions / new API to mac80211(_hwsim)

### Data forwarding:

[] WPA CCMP frames from mac80211(_hwsim) to the socket/tunnel:
  [] encapsulate with our IP/UDP/L2TP header to <domain>
  [] forward to IP router/stack
[] WPA CCMP frames from socket/tunnel to mac80211(_hwsim):
  [] decapsulate/remove our IP/UDP/L2TP header
  [] forward to mac80211

## Firmware Packaging/Integration

### OpenWrt package/integration:

AP/client side:

[] allow building a hostapd/wpa_supplicant/wpad variant
   without OpenHarbor code (size tuneability matters
   on embedded / for upstream acceptance)

[] add an openharbor-client package
  [] add requirement to usable hostapd/wpa_supplicant/wpad
     build variants
  [] integrate into OpenWrt's netifd('s
  [] add documentation/description to package
  [] add document/description on OpenWrt Wiki's "UCI /etc/config/wireless page":

Remote Authenticator Side:

[] add an openharbor-server (openharbor-authenticator) package
  [] add documentation/description to package

### Freifunk/Gluon integration

[] add a gluon-openharbor-client package to enable OpenHarbor on
   WiFi radios used by Gluon
   [] add documentation/description to package
      / Gluon's readthedocs, including use-cases/illustrations
      for Gluon/Freifunk users
[] add a gluon-openharbor-server package
   [] add Gluon Config-Mode Web-GUI integration,
      usable by non-technical people:
      [] to set output interface for decrypted WPA
         (e.g. WAN vs. LAN ports)
      [] to set a list of allowed username//password

Optional/additional/future Milestones/Ideas

  • Extra kernel module which forwards between the
    mac80211(_hwsim) kernel module and the l2tp
    kernel module (or implement within mac80211_hwsim)
    for increased/usable performance on embedded devices
    (ideally already done early for/with the initial implementation)
  • Roaming / handover support: When a client roams to another AP
    then the old AP would need to hand over the L2TP tunnel to
    the new AP? Or will the client go through the full EAPoL steps
    again anyway? Or is a handover protocol only needed if 802.11r
    were involved?
  • More EAP methods: Any other methods other than EAP-TTLS which
    can provide a cleartext username and/or domain?
  • Add RADIUS server option to (Gluon's) openharbor-server/authenticator
    integration, for a more sophisticated/flexible authentication
    management (for more technically versed people)
  • Signal "OpenHarbor" capability via a vendor field in beacons?
    To avoid a client only relying on the "OpenHarbor" ESSID name?
    (if I recall correctly also Passpoint had options for similar signalling?)
  • Passpoint / Hotspot 2.0 compatibility
  • additional Layer 2 encapsulation method, which skips the IP/UDP/L2TP headers and
    uses a smaller, custom ethernet frame header
    • allows login via: <username>@<mac-address-destination>
      -> useful to tunnel from one mesh node to another,
      within this layer 2 domain, without layer 3 routing involved
  • allow using node names for login:
    • Gluon nodes only have an IPv6 address to be accesed.
      And (typically) no public DNS entry for this IPv6 address.
      Having a user to enter <login-name>@<mesh-node's-IPv6-address>
      won't be usable in practice for the gluon-openharbor-server
      package. Instead the hostname, which a Gluon mesh node owner
      can set in the Gluon config-mode and is then visible on
      a central map server, should be usable for a client
    • option A) integrate mDNS? -> nicely decentral, but likely has too high protocol overhead
    • option B) a small nsswitch module on the openharbor AP side
      which resolves a given @<node>.local (or similar TLD)
      via the nodes.json fetched from the map server
    • option C) a cronjob which fetches node names from
      the map server and populates /etc/hosts on the AP
  • MTU signaling compliant with RFC:4459