.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 ========== New papers ========== "free" papers ============= - Garroppo, R.G., Giordano, S., Tavanti, L.: **Experimental evaluation of two open source solutions for wireless mesh routing at layer two**, Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), 2010 5th IEEE International Symposium on, 232–237, 2010 - Compares batman-adv and open80211s in a small testbed. - http://wwwtlc.iet.unipi.it/research/ggt-iswpc10.pdf - Pinto, R.: **Wmm-wireless mesh monitoring**, Ad Hoc Network 6(6), 445–487, 2009 - Introduction to WMMs and some implementations like AODV, OLSR, BATMAN ... - http://www.gsd.inesc-id.pt/~ler/reports/ricardopinto-midterm.pdf - Chissungo, E., Blake, E., Le, H.: **Investigation into BATMANd-0.3. 2 Protocol performance in an indoor mesh potato testbed**, Proceedings of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Leadership in a Diverse, Multidisciplinary Environment, 267–270, 2011 - http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~bfry/edwin/MyBib/2011-batmand.pdf - Chissungo, E., Blake, E., Le, H.: **Performance Comparison of BATMA Nd and BATMAN-adv** - http://www.satnac.org.za/proceedings/2011/papers/Posters/250.pdf - Oh, M.: **An Experimental Comparison of Delivery Mechanisms in a Linear Topology**, 한국정보기술학회논문지 9(8), 한국정보기술학회, 101–107, 2011 - http://ki-it.or.kr/paper/paper\_09\_08/9%25EA%25B6%258C8%25ED%2598%25B8/An%2520Experimental%2520Comparison%2520of%2520Delivery%2520Mechanisms%2520in%2520a%2520Linear%2520Topology.pdf - Graarud, E.G.: **Implementing a Secure Ad Hoc Network, Technical report**, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 2011 - http://github.com/espengra/secure-ad-hoc-network-doc/raw/master/share/thesis.pdf - Sicard, L., Markovics, M., Manthios, G.: **An Ad-hoc Network of Android Phones Using BATMAN** - https://blog.itu.dk/SPVC-E2010/files/2011/08/13adhocandroid.pdf - Kaula, W.: **Building easily deployable Mesh networks for first respondents based on 802.11 n access points**, 2012 -\_FinalReport.pdf?sequence=1 - Hundebøll, M., Ledet-Pedersen, J., Heide, J., Pedersen, M.V., Rein, S.A., Fitzek, F.H.P.: **CATWOMAN: Implementation and Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11 based Multi-Hop Networks using Network Coding**, Master Thesis in Networks and Distributed Systems Aalborg University, Spring, 2011 - http://mobiledev.lab.es.aau.dk/attachments/download/238/catwoman.pdf - Murray, D.: **Cross layer performance improvements in Multi-hop Ad-hoc networks**, Murdoch University, 2011 - http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/5805/2/02Whole.pdf - Paramanathan, A., Heide, J., Pahlavani, P., Hundebøll, M., Rein, S.A., Fitzek, F.H.P., Ertli, G.: **Energy and Data Throughput for Asymmetric Inter-Session Network Coding** - http://www.param.dk/achuthan/publications/papers/1569603517.pdf - GHINI, V., TOSI, L.: **Il protocollo di routing BATMAN** - http://amslaurea.cib.unibo.it/2688/1/tosi\_luca\_tesi.pdf - Pambudi, R.D., Yasa, M.: **IMPLEMENTASI PROTOKOL ROUTING BETTER APPROACH TO AD-HOC MOBILE NETWORK (BATMAN) PADA WIRELESS MESH NETWORKING** - Follett-Smith, D., and Bagula, A. **IR-BAT: An Interference Metric For The BATMAN Routing Protocol** - http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~rmaliwatu/deliverables/thesisD.pdf - F. Fitzek, L. Badia, M. Zorzi, G. Schulte, P. Seeling, and T. Henderson.: **Mobility and stability evaluation in wireless multi-hop networks using multi-player games**, In Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Network and system support for games, page 77–87. 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Robinson and A. P. Lauf. **Aerial MANETs: Developing a Resilient and Efficient Platform for Search and Rescue Applications.** Journal of Communications, 8(4), 2013. - http://ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2761&context=infopapers - **AUST: Anonymous Unswerving and Secure Transmission in MANET.** 2013. - http://www.ijarcsse.com/docs/papers/Special\_Issue/icctrd2013/11\_ijarcsse.pdf - I. Yankine. **Algoritmi di routing su reti mesh wireless.** 2013. - http://tesi.cab.unipd.it/43110/1/Algoritmi\_di\_routing\_su\_reti\_mesh\_wireless.pdf - P. Prasanna, D. Saravanan, and R. Chandrasekaran. **An Energy Efficient Multicast Routing Based On Genetic Algorithm for MANET.** - http://www.ijircce.com/upload/2014/icgict14/532\_2078.pdf - F. B. Abreu, A. Morais, A. Cavalli, B. Wehbi, and E. 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AINA 2008. 22nd International Conference on, 295–302, 2008 - Ikeda, M., Kulla, E., Hiyama, M., Barolli, L., Takizawa, M., Miho, R.: **A Comparison Study Between Simulation and Experimental Results for MANETs**, Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS), 2010 13th International Conference on, 371–378, 2010 - Morais, A., Cavalli, A.: **A distributed intrusion detection scheme for wireless ad hoc networks**, Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 556–562, 2012 - Sridhar, KN, Casetti, C., Chiasserini, C.F.: **A localized and distributed channel assignment scheme for wireless mesh networks**, Local Computer Networks, 2009. LCN 2009. IEEE 34th Conference on, 45–52, 2009 - Ikeda, M., Kulla, E., Hiyama, M., Barolli, L., Takizawa, M.: **Analysis of manet routing protocols for indoor environment**, Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA), 2010 International Conference on, 9–16, 2010 - Xu, J., Wang, L., Li, Y., Qin, Z., Zhu, M.: **An Experimental Study of BATMAN Performance in a Campus Deployment of Wireless Mesh Networks**, Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN), 2011 Seventh International Conference on, 341–342, 2011 - Ntlatlapa, N.: **A Routing Metric and Algorithm for IEEE802. 16 Mesh Networks**, Broadband Communications, Information Technology & Biomedical Applications, 2008 Third International Conference on, 324–328, 2008 - Annese, S., Casetti, C., Chiasserini, C.F., Cipollone, P., Ghittino, A., Reineri, M.: **Assessing mobility support in mesh networks**, Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on Experimental evaluation and characterization, 19–26, 2009 - Barolli, L., Ikeda, M., Xhafa, F., Duresi, A.: **A testbed for manets: Implementation, experiences and learned lessons**, Systems Journal, IEEE 4(2), IEEE, 243–252, 2010 - Bowitz, A.G., Graarud, E.G., Brown, L., Jaatun, M.G.: **BatCave: Adding security to the BATMAN protocol**, Digital Information Management (ICDIM), 2011 Sixth International Conference on, 199–204, 2011 - Zeiger, F., Kraemer, N., Sauer, M., Schilling, K.: **Challenges in realizing ad-hoc networks based on wireless LAN with mobile robots**, Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks and Workshops, 2008. WiOPT 2008. 6th International Symposium on, 632–639, 2008 - Palma, D., Goncalves, J., Curado, M.: **Challenging Wireless Networks, an Underground Experience**, Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems, Springer, 312–321, 2012 - Zeiger, F., Kraemer, N., Schilling, K.: **Commanding mobile robots via wireless ad-hoc networks—A comparison of four ad-hoc routing protocol implementations**, Robotics and Automation, 2008. ICRA 2008. IEEE International Conference on, 590–595, 2008 - Hiyama, M., Kulla, E., Ikeda, M., Barolli, L., Durresi, A.: **Comparison Evaluation of Horizontal and Vertical Scenarios for Delay and Jitter Metrics Using a MANET Testbed**, Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT), 2011 International Conference on, 6–13, 2011 - Kulla, E., Hiyama, M., Ikeda, M., Barolli, L.: **Comparison of Experimental Results of a MANET Testbed in Different Environments Considering BATMAN Protocol**, Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS), 2011 Third International Conference on, 1–7, 2011 - Morais, A., Cavalli, A.: **Detection of Attacks in Wireless Mesh Networks, Dependable Computing (LADC)**, 2011 5th Latin-American Symposium on, 45–54, 2011 - Kulla, E., Ikeda, M., Barolli, L., Miho, R., Koliçi, V.: **Effects of Source and Destination Movement on MANET Performance Considering OLSR and AODV Protocols**, Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS), 2010 13th International Conference on, 510–515, 2010 - Paramanathan, A., Rasmussen, U.W., Hundeboll, M., Rein, S.A., Fitzek, F.H.P., Ertli, G.: **Energy consumption model and measurement results for network coding-enabled IEEE 802.11 meshed wireless networks**, Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2012 IEEE 17th International Workshop on, 286–291, 2012 - Kulla, E., Ikeda, M., Hiyama, M., Barolli, L.: **Evaluation of a MANET Testbed in Indoor Stairs Environment Considering OLSR Protocol**, Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2011 International Conference on, 160–167, 2011 - Protocol, B.R.: **Evaluation of a MANET Testbed in Outdoor Bridge Environment Using BATMAN Routing Protocol** - Raffelsberger, C., Hellwagner, H.: **Evaluation of MANET routing protocols in a realistic emergency response scenario**, Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES), 2012 Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on, 88–92, 2012 - Wang, J.C.P., Hagelstein, B., Abolhasan, M.: **Experimental evaluation of IEEE 802.11 s path selection protocols in a mesh testbed**, Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), 2010 4th International Conference on, 1–3, 2010 - Reineri, M., Rubino, R., Casetti, C., Chiasserini, C.: **Experimental performance assessment of WMN routing protocols with mobile nodes**, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2011 7th International, 1010–1015, 2011 - Kulla, E., Ikeda, M., Oda, T., Barolli, L., Xhafa, F., Biberaj, A.: **Experimental results from a MANET testbed in outdoor bridge environment considering BATMAN routing protocol**, Computing, Springer, 1–14, 2012 - Hiyama, M., Kulla, E., Oda, T., Ikeda, M., Barolli, L.: **Experimental Results of a MANET Testbed in a Mixed Environment Considering Horizontal and Vertical Topologies**, Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2012 IEEE 26th International Conference on, 884–889, 2012 - Ikeda, M., Kulla, E., Hiyama, M., Barolli, L., Takizawa, M.: **Experimental Results of a MANET Testbed in Indoor Stairs Environment**, Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 779–786, 2011 - Kulla, E., Ikeda, M., Barolli, L., Miho, R.: **Impact of source and destination movement on MANET performance considering BATMAN and AODV protocols**, Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA), 2010 International Conference on, 94–101, 2010 - Chissungo, E., Blake, E., Le, H.: **Investigation into Batman-adv Protocol Performance in an Indoor Mesh Potato Testbed**, Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS), 2011 Third International Conference on, 8–13, 2011 - Hiyama, M., Kulla, E., Ikeda, M., Barolli, L.: **Investigation of Channel Usage and Packetloss in a MANET Testbed for Stairs Indoor Scenarios**, Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA), 2011 International Conference on, 499–504, 2011 - Hiyama, M., Ikeda, M., Barolli, L., De Marco, G., Xhafa, F., Durresi, A.: **Mobility effects in mobile ad hoc networks**, Computer Science and its Applications, 2009. CSA'09. 2nd International Conference on, 1–6, 2009 - Ikeda, M., Hiyama, M., Barolli, L., Xhafa, F., Durresi, A., Takizawa, M.: **Mobility effects of wireless multi-hop networks in indoor scenarios**, Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2010 24th IEEE International Conference on, 495–502, 2010 - Ikeda, M., Hiyama, M., Barolli, L., Xhafa, F., Durresi, A.: **Mobility effects on the performance of mobile ad hoc networks**, Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2010 International Conference on, 230–237, 2010 - Ikeda, M., Hiyama, M., Kulla, E., Barolli, L., Takizawa, M.: **Multi-hop Wireless Networks Performance Evaluation via NS-3 Simulator**, Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA), 2011 International Conference on, 243–249, 2011 - Kulla, E., Ikeda, M., Oda, T., Barolli, L., Xhafa, F., Takizawa, M.: **Multimedia Transmissions over a MANET Testbed: Problems and Issues**, 2012 Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 141–147, 2012 - Pojda, J., Wolff, A., Sbeiti, M., Wietfeld, C.: **Performance analysis of mesh routing protocols for UAV swarming applications**, Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2011 8th International Symposium on, 317–321, 2011 - Hiyama, M., Ikeda, M., Barolli, L., Takizawa, M.: **Performance analysis of multi-hop ad-hoc network using multi-flow traffic for indoor scenarios**, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 1(4), Springer, 283–293, 2010 - Barolli, L., Ikeda, M., De Marco, G., Durresi, A., Xhafa, F.: **Performance analysis of OLSR and BATMAN protocols considering link quality parameter**, Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2009. AINA'09. International Conference on, 307–314, 2009 - Klein, A: **Performance Study of the Better Approach to Mobile Adhoc Networking (B.A.T.M.A.N.) 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